We're pleased to share an exciting and info-packed video. In this short clip, renowned digital implantology specialists, Dr. Giampiero Ciabattoni and Dr. Alessandro Acocella, share their expertise, and an actual use case detailing an immediate loading guided surgery procedure with Alpha-Bio Tec's AlphaLoc overdenture attachment system.
Guided implant surgery has helped facilitate, simplify, and overcome the most common challenges in dental implant therapy, enabling clinicians to undertake often difficult cases with a minimum invasive approach, and successful results.
In this video, you'll see a patient presenting with an edentulous maxilla, and a full overdenture retained on three implants with ball attachments in the posterior region (two implants on the left, and one implant on the right).
An intraoral scan is performed with a 3Shape scanner, and was superimposed on a 3D segmentation of the patient's maxilla, obtained from a CBCT scan. The scan enables precise digital planning of the future screw-retained restoration, as well as the location and angle of five additional implants, and the creation of a bone-supported surgical guide. In parallel, a provisional acrylic denture was also prepared.
Prior to implant placement, a bar was prepared on a model, designed to connect all eight implants. You'll learn how, at the start of the implant placement procedure, AlphaLoc attachments are placed on the three implants currently in the patient's mouth, and the screw-retained provisional bridge is tried-in. You'll then see how the surgical guide is placed in the patient's mouth, and fixed to the maxilla. The video also shows implant bed preparation, and the placement of five anterior implants using the surgical guide in a flapless approach, resulting in minimal bleeding, and eliminating the need for suturing. Finally, AlphaLoc attachments are immediately connected to the newly-placed anterior implants, and all eight implants were immediately loaded with the temporary bridge.
Have we caught your attention? Click on the video below.
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